Tips For Parents
Parents should expect that their child should be safe, well-cared for and happy in a childcare service.
The minimum requirements under which a service must operate are set out in the Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016.
In addition the document, Questions asked to Tusla, Early Years Inspectorate from the Early Years Sector give further clarity to the 2016 Regulations.
Parents should expect the following from a service:
Quality of Service.
Management & Staffing
Quality of Care
Quality of Service
The service is notified to the Child and Family Agency. (except where exemptions apply)
The last inspection report is available.
An Information booklet /leaflet available detailing the type of service provided is available.
The service should feel welcoming to both you and your child.
The environment is caring, safe and friendly.
Management & Staffing
There is a named person in charge at all times.
All staff have been vetted e.g. Garda Vetting, references, Police vetting (if lived abroad)
Staff have an appropriate level of experience, training and Qualifications.
An adequate number of adults are available to supervise and care for the children.
Children are supervised at all times
There are enough adults to provide individual attention to your child if they need it.
Staff should have a good understanding about child development and working with children.
Staff are observed to play with the children.
Staff turnover rates low i.e. how long have staff been working there.
The service must have a policy on child protection
Have staff attended training on Child Protection?
There is a policy on collecting children from the service.
There are appropriate fire safety and child safety measures in place.
Policies and Procedures should be available and implemented in the service. These are some of the Policies and Procedures you would expect to find in the service:
Policy on the administration of medications
Police on the safe conduct on outings.
Accident/incident policy/procedure
Complaints policy
Policy on encouraging and promoting positive behaviour
Illness policy
Policy on infectious diseases in the service
Safe Sleep for children
Health & Safety Policy
Nappy changing/Toileting
Confidentiality Policy
Quality of Care
Good interaction between staff and children are observed.
The service can cater for a child with special or additional needs.
The children are properly supervised but still allowed to experience activities that are challenging and exciting.
There are written programmes outlining the children’s activities.
The Programme of Care and Education should be flexible to meet the varying needs of the children.
A system is in place to discuss with you how to best deal with your child should he/she become ill, distressed or angry.
It is clear how challenging behaviour is managed.
Are children observed interacting well with other children.
A system is in place to replace staff who are ill or on holidays.
There is a respectful approach towards diversity, where each child’s individuality and sense of identity is valued.
Food is suitable, nutritious and a varied menu is available where the service provides food.
Special dietary needs can be catered for.
The arrangements in place for feeding your child are to your satisfaction.
Safe sleeping/resting arrangements are in place for children.
Staff familiar are familiar with the guidelines around safe sleep and prevention of sudden infant death.
Sibling interaction is facilitated and managed in the service. Siblings/friends are facilitated to spend time together.
The premises should be well maintained, clean and hygienic, bright and well ventilated.
The premises must be safe and secure. A system is in place to prevent unauthorised access to the service and to prohibit a child leaving the premises unsupervised.
There must be adequate space to ensure comfort in rest and play.
A quiet area is available if your child wants to relax.
There is space for children to play inside and outside.
The outdoor play area is secure and hazard free.
All play areas are bright and cheerful.
Adequate facilities provided for the safe and hygienic preparation and storage of food.
The kitchen facilities are clean, hygienic with suitable wash-up, hand-washing and sterilising facilities.
The pre-school should not be too hot or too cold.
The equipment and furniture must be safe, appropriate and well maintained and clean.
Sufficient suitable toys play materials and resources are available to provide stimulating activities and play opportunities for the children.
The Equipment, toys, materials available must be appropriate for the ages of the children attending and their developmental needs.
Activities and resources should promote cultural awareness and equal opportunities.